Studio & Location Photography Prices / Terms
This includes, the image post production - conversion from the camera RAW format, checking & retouching of minor imperfections, resizing, etc. & saving to your preferred image format and uploading to the studio's Dropbox.
Note: If the image post production process is completed separately, after the shoot, the time is charged at the hourly rate.
Photography Studio Day Rate (9.30am - 5.30pm, inc. 30min lunch break) £900 per day (see info below on hourly/day rates)
This includes, the image post production - conversion from the camera RAW format, checking & retouching of minor imperfections, resizing, etc. & saving to your preferred image format and uploading to the studio's Dropbox.
Note: If the image post production process is completed separately, after the shoot, the time is charged at the hourly rate.
About camera 'Raw Format' and 'Image Post Production'
If you would like to learn more about RAW image format, please read the following article:
Location Photography - Charged at £105 per hour PLUS Image post production time, as this cannot be done on location and must be completed after the shoot.
For 'Location Photography' please call 01903 854 920 to discuss travel/mileage costs.
PhotoShop (manipulation/retouching) £125 per hour
Cut-outs/Clipping Paths from £5
CD/DVD's £10
Resizing and changing images to other formats No Charge - (if completed during the booked studio time)
Uploading images to Dropbox. No Charge
Hourly Rates against Day Rates.
If you need photography for smaller projects which are likely to take less than a day, you will be charged by the hour (£105 per hour, pro-rata)
This includes, the image post production, minor retouching of imperfections, resizing and saving to a preferred image format during the shoot and uploading of images to the studio's Dropbox
Note: If the image post production process is completed separately, after the shoot, the time is charged at the hourly rate.
If you have a larger project and want to book full days or consecutive days you will be charged 'per day', which consists of 8 hours max (9am-5pm) photography outside of these hours are charged at 'time and a half' (£160.00 per hour) plus the 'Image Capture/Post Production charge.
Booking Day Rates:
A fee of £250 is required to secure a booking for your shoot, any outstanding balance is required to release your completed images unless we have pre-agreed credit terms in place. The studio accepts BACS and all major credit card payments.
Booking Hourly Rates:
A fee of £50 is required to secure a booking for your shoot, any outstanding balance is required to release your completed images unless we have pre-agreed credit terms in place. The studio accepts BACS and all major credit card payments.
Booking Fees are non returnable on cancellations made with less than 48 hours notice.
Images can be supplied on CD/DVD (TIF or JPG format) or uploaded to Dropbox for you to download (JPG format only)
All images are supplied in RGB @ 300dpi
If you have no current credit agreement with the studio, then payment is due upon receipt of an invoice and/or release of completed images.
On occasions your images may have been uploaded for use prior to payment, in such cases, it is done in good faith!
Please respect this and make sure that payment is made accordingly, within any agreed timeframe.
Image1 reserves the right to withdraw image usage under UK COPYRIGHT LAW until full payment has been received.

Images that have been uploaded to the studio's 'Dropbox' account.
This means that your images are available via a 'shared folder', within IMAGE1’s Dropbox account.
This is not a folder 'within' your Dropbox account, merely a folder accessibly via 'your Dropbox account'.
Please don't confuse accounts, as the studio cannot be held responsible for lost data which is inadvertently uploaded to your 'shared folder' within the studio's Dropbox account.
Please download your images and save them to your desktop/hard drive.
When images are supplied via 'Dropbox' it is recommended that you write CD's or back-up these images yourselves.
Although the studio archives images to it's own back-up drives, as with any hardware, recovery cannot be guaranteed.
All images have a main 4 digit 'job reference number' followed by an image 'pose number' (eg. 4045_005) if renaming images, please keep this reference number available with them as part of the renaming process, as this is easily searched for if you ever require duplicate files.
A search fee may be charged for files which need to be re-supplied from our archives as this is often time consuming.